Personal Growth

For When You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dreams

For When You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dreams

We always talk about the romantic part of “chasing your dreams.” The moments when you’re filled with hope and joy for your future. But what about the times you’re discouraged?

Yes, I truly do believe that I can live the life of my dreams — that I can make a living doing not one, but ALL the things I love to do. I believe this is possible. But that doesn’t mean I’m empowered and positive ALL the time.

In fact, staying motivated on your dream-chasing journey feels a lot like staying motivated on a 100-mile marathon. What you’re doing is amazing and commendable, but not easy. And when you start to get tired and someone tells you that you’re only on mile 13 of 100? Well, let’s just say it’s easy to get discouraged.

I’ve felt this a lot and can safely tell you: you are not alone. That’s why the key to getting anything you want in life is grit. Because if you’re talented and educated and bright and qualified, but you don’t have grit? You won’t reach your goal.

So what is the solution? How can we stop ourselves from feeling like we’re stuck on a treadmill, going nowhere with our dreams?

For When You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dreams

The answer is: perspective

You’re not going to like me for this, but…it’s all about the way you’re looking at it! No great feat is ever quick or easy, so don’t expect your Great Feat™ to be quick or easy.

Start looking at your dreams and goals like the incredible thing that they are. Do you realize how amazing it is that you’re even pursuing your dream life? Most people don’t even let themselves consider doing something like that. But you are different, and you know you’re destined for something special.

So the first thing you need to remember when you feel discouraged is that chasing your dreams really is like running a 100-mile marathon. The difference is that chasing your dreams is WAY HARDER. But the similarity is that: very few people have the guts and the grit to do this. And you’re one of them. The other thing you need to remember is…

Every moment matters

I know you know this, but hear me out: every moment. Every time you wake up and face your day with a positive mindset. Every task you cross off. Every goal you accomplish. Every breath. Every heartbeat. Every cup of coffee. Every late night working. Every break you take to tend to your mind and body. Every moment matters.

They all add up — one stitch at a time — to create a colorful tapestry called the journey to your dream life. And once you start seeing THE JOURNEY ITSELF as a work of art, then your perspective shifts. You start to enjoy each mile of the marathon, knowing that you’ll only ever be on mile 13 once in your life — whether it’s a good or bad experience, it’s one of a kind. It’s yours. Embrace it, relish it. IT MATTERS.

I know it might be hard to shift your perspective at first, but it’s worth it. Write this on a sticky note and keep it somewhere you’ll see it all the time: EVERY MOMENT MATTERS

For When You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dreams

Make a roadmap

I know that sometimes you feel like you’re going nowhere because you can’t see the clear connection between where you are now and where you want to be. So make a roadmap — otherwise known as the path to your dream — so that you can clearly see how what you’re doing right now affects the big picture.

Start with your ultimate dream — the best thing you can possibly imagine for your life. Now write: “in order to do that, I have to…” and finish that sentence. Then write it again. Keep going until you arrive at the smallest piece of the puzzle: what you’re working on today.

Here’s an example of what one of my roadmaps looks like:

HIGH HOPES, I KNOW. But stranger things have happened, so why not shoot for the moon? You might not see the significance in the small steps you’re taking toward your bigger goal — but writing out a “roadmap” like this is a great way to really visualize how every moment matters. How each step in the road brings you closer to your destination.

So open up a document or notebook and do what I did here: write at the top YOUR ULTIMATE DREAM. Then start tracing your way backwards, to roughly visualize all the steps it takes to get there. Don’t let it overwhelm you — let it inspire you! Look at it as if it’s already a plan for your future.

For When You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dreams

I know it’s hard sometimes

I know it’s hard sometimes to vividly and determinedly imagine your future. But you have do it! If you can seriously imagine yourself doing exactly what you want to do with you life, that’s not just a fantasy anymore — that’s part of the creation process. It has to be a thought before it materializes. So start imagining what the world will look like after you’ve put your unique and beautiful touch on it. How will you feel when you’re living your dream? Start feeling that way now.


Do you feel like you’re not making progress on your dreams? If so, you’re not alone. And I hope this post has inspired you! What does your dream life look like? (don’t be afraid to shoot for the moon!)


For When You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dreams
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